Brisbane Orthodontics has developed a Patient Privacy Policy to create another layer of protection for our patients and families.
Personal Information
The personal information we collect, hold, use and disclose includes:
- Your name, date of birth, address, and contact details.
- Appointments and billing details.
- Health fund details.
- Other information could include diagnosis and treatment recommended and provided to you by a specialist.
Health information may include details related to your oral health care and dental treatments.
This information is primarily collected using our “Patient Information and Medical History Form”.
Our practice follows federal and state privacy legislation, and the Australian Privacy Principles, which require personal information kept private and secure.
Brisbane Orthodontics takes reasonable steps to ensure that this information is accurate, up to date and complete. If you or we feel this information is out of date a new form can be collected and filled in.
Use of Private Information
This information is collected to provide health services to you and communicate with you in relation to your health needs. It also enables us to consult with doctors and allied health practitioners involved in your healthcare.
Providing your information to other dental practitioners
At Brisbane Orthodontics it is normal for all practitioners in our practice to have access to your dental records and health information. If you have any concerns about this, please discuss them with your orthodontist or practice staff.
It is also important that other people involved in your care, such as dental specialists, are informed of the relevant parts of your dental and medical history, so they can provide the best care for you. Your orthodontist will let you know when this is necessary.
We will not share your personal information with anyone else or another organisation unless:
You have consented to this sharing, or we are legally obliged to disclose the information in which case your orthodontist will first discuss with you the information that she or he is legally obliged to disclose, or there is an overriding public health and safety interest to release the information.
Using health information for quality improvement and research
Brisbane Orthodontics may use patient health information to assist in improving the care we give to all our patients, by reviewing the treatments used in the practice. Your information may be used in research projects and published in research results but will always be un-identified. If the research serves as important public interest such cases identifiable medical records and can be used for medical research without your consent under the guidelines by the Australian Government. Before providing such information your orthodontist will discuss with you the information that they are obliged to disclose.
Overseas Disclosure
Very limited personal information may be released to overseas recipients as we use orthodontic technologies based overseas. We will ensure that these recipients do not breach the APPs or that they are bound by similar laws.
Access to your health information
You may ask practice staff about any aspect of your dental care, including information contained in your record. You can request assess to your dental records and any other information the practices records about you. If you have any concerns regarding the accuracy of the information held by the practice, you should discuss these with practice staff. Inaccurate information can be corrected or your concern noted in your records.
Resolving concerns regarding your information
We take concerns about your privacy very seriously. If you wish to complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Policy or the handling of your personal information by us - please lodge your complaint in writing to our practice. We will endeavour to resolve this as soon as possible.
For legal reasons original notes will be retained by the practice. If you have any questions regarding our Patient Privacy Policy, please contact our designated privacy officer. If you are not satisfied with our response, you may refer the matter to the QAIC.